October 5, 2014

Long time, no see!

As I mentioned in previous post, we changed internet to include phone and computer, so we can save money.  I tell you it really is a pain in the rear, because the limited internet runs out each month, and they charge us extra if we go over the limit!  I'll be glad when I have unlimited internet again, and it won't cost so much either.  The best times for me to use the computer is when we stay at the church building, because they have unlimited internet, so it's rare for me to be blogging.  However, hopefully this will be changing very soon!

Some of you already know why, but some of you don't.  However, for those of you who don't know why, you'll know soon enough, in about a month or so. This is one  big change ( and NO I'm NOT pregnant, nor will I ever be again!  I'm way too old and TIRED!), and I'm not really looking forward to it, but it's for the good.  Let's just say it is messing with my emotions as a preacher's wife and a mother of four beautiful boys.  

I just wanted to keep y'all updated as to what is going on.  I hope, within a month or so, to be blogging regularly, with hopes of making a little money to help my husband's salary.   Yes, I will post about the big change eventually.  Be patient!

Y'all have a blessed day!

(Forgive the really close lines... I can't figure out why it's doing that...)

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