May 22, 2019

As usual, too much time passed since my last blog...

...and it's roughly two years later.  Sigh...  I'm terrible at this blogging thing.  Attempting to blog again.  :-P

I'm alive and doing well.  Still struggling with my weight, but the good thing is, I still haven't had a stroke since my first one.  I tell ya...  this middle age thing is not so easy.  Ha...   My hubby?  He's kept his weight off!  Ugh...  LOL.

I'm one of those who gets bored with things easily, hence my need for SO MANY projects:  WIP's (work in progress), UFO's (unfinished objects), reading, and all that.  I've got quilts I need to finish,  I've been crocheting hanger covers (Because I have narrow shoulders, I don't like it when there's a hanger mark past my shoulders when I put my clothes on!), cross stitching, and currently attempting to crochet a basket using jute twine.  So far, I've enjoyed crocheting with the jute twine.  It does take some work, and I have to stop now and then.  However, this current project has gotten me thinking of so many things I can make with the jute twine: baskets, coasters, placemats, etc.   I also read A LOT.   I can tell you that this is driving my so very patient hubby crazy.  LOL!!!  

I've also been trying to get my storage room cleaned out so I can have access to my craft stuff, get rid of junk in there, and reorganize the "dining area" into my craft area, but not look like it's a craft area.  ;-)   I'd love to convert a desk that my Papau (with my daddy's help, I believe) made for me when I was 13 or 14, into a work table.  I want to add drop leaves with legs that can extend out; add casters to the legs of the desk part (so I can move it anywhere); add more shelves to where the shelves are; and on the desk and leaves part, get a self healing cutting mat glued to it.   All this is so I can make things I can sell.   Unfortunately,  this is something that will happen over a very long time.  SMH

Oh, yeah, in addition to all this, is starting a mini nursery of marigolds, using the empty egg cartons.  I love marigolds!  They don't smell good, but are SO resilient, and can re-seed themselves year after year.  They can be planted pretty much anytime from spring to early fall.  Also, I think I heard they help repel mosquitoes, but I dunno.  It'd be nice if it does, cuz mosquitoes are so annoying.  After the marigolds have gone from seed to seedlings, I'll transplant them into small styrofoam cups, until they are big enough to be planted into the flowerbeds, and not accidentally mowed over by our lawn mowers.  

Then comes this summer, after the boys get out of school later this week.  Vacation, church camp, band camp, possible mission trip for my hubby, visiting families, band practice...  

Yeah,  my life is sooooooooo boring...  ;-)

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